Histology and Embryology 1 - Lectures for General Medicine students
.. to the students of the 1st semester of Histology and embryology 1: Cytology and microscopic structure.. .. offer lecture notes from Histology and Embryology.. ..keywords: and glandular epithelium, connective tissue, cartilage and bone, muscle tissue, nerve.. ..keywords: covering and glandular epithelium, connective tissue,.. ..keywords: epithelium, connective tissue, cartilage and bone, muscle tissue, nerve.. .. MB
university member
3.93 MB
university member
.. .. Štefan Tóth, Zuzana Fagová, Alexandra Kunová, Kristína Čurgali, Eva Mechírová Atta..
Videos for practical lessons from Anatomy - Skull
.. anatomical structures for students of General and Dental medicine. Videos can be used for.. .. are intended for studying of topics covering bones of the skull. Teachers from.. .. describes bone structures of the.. ..keywords: bone,.. .. 2
faculty member
ALE-10 Mandible 1
faculty member
.. .. sensitive [?]
ALE-01 Occipital bone
faculty member
Lectures for study subject Surgery 4/5 – Orthopaedics
.. of spine, Diseases of muscles and tendons, Infection of musculoskeletal.. .. Surgery. The lectures include Avascular bone necrosis; Congenital musculoskeletal.. ..keywords: bone, necrosis, musculoskeletal, deformities,.. .. member
Diseases of muscles and tendons
348.45 KB
faculty.. .. sensitive [?]
Avacsular bone necrosis
3.87 MB
Histology and Embryology 1 for students of Dental Medicine
.. in the form of lecture notes from Histology and Embryology 1. According to the syllabus of.. .. offer lecture notes from Histology and Embryology 1 for students of Dental.. ..keywords: and embryology 1, cytology, tissues,.. ..keywords: and embryology 1, cytology, tissues,.. .. Tóth, Zuzana Fagová, Kristína Čurgali, Alexandra Kunová, Monika Holodová, Katarína Hajovská Att.. .. MB
faculty member
Bone tissue
5.12 MB
Videos for practical lessons from Anatomy 1 - Lower Limb
.. for the study of bones, joints, muscles, vessels and nerves of the lower limb for the subject Anatomy.. .. of educational videos designed for the study of bones, joints, muscles, vessels and nerves of the.. .. limb
Sacroiliac joint (articulatio sacroiliaca) and pubic symphysis (symphysis pubica). Hip joint.. .. lesson 1: Bones of lower limb
Hip bone (os coxae); Tigh.. .. Alena Pastornická, Andrea Kreheľová, Slávka Flešárová, Andriana Pavli.. .. sensitive [?]
LL 1 - 01 Hip bone (os coxae)
Anemias in children
.. cell formation (deficiency, bone marrow failure and dyshematopoietic anemia), blood loss and.. .. by impaired red cell formation (deficiency, bone marrow failure and dyshematopoietic anemia),..
Internal medicine 5 - lectures for students of General Medicine
.. autoimmunity. Imunodeficiency endash; hereditary and acquired. Allergy. Metabolic bone diseases... .. hereditary and acquired. Allergy. Metabolic bone diseases. Fluid and electrolyte.. .. [?]
Clinically sensitive [?]
Obesity and eating disorders
2.07 MB
Treatment of overjet by retraction of frontal teeth to temporary anchorage devices (TADs)
.. incisors with prominent maxilla or on the other hand by microgenia or mandibular retrognathism. The.. .. by TADs is needed. TADs are placed into the bone in the right position. Closed coil springs are.. .. orthodontic treatment for enhancing her facial and smile esthetics.
Chief complaint: „Big.. .. anchorage, TAD’s are placed into the bone. The movement of the distal teeth forward is..
Videos for practical lessons from Anatomy 1 - Upper Limb
.. videos are intended for studying bones, joints and muscles of the upper limb. Teachers from.. .. videos are intended for studying bones, joints and muscles of the upper limb. Teachers.. .. 2; Radius; Ulna; Bones of hand
Practical lesson 2: JOINTS OF THE UPPER.. .. lesson 1: BONES OF UPPER LIMB
Bones of the upper limb.. ..keywords: bone, muscle,.. .. Kolesár, Andriana Pavlyuk, Janka Vecanová, Natália H.. .. [?]
Clinically sensitive [?]
UL01-01 Bones of the upper limb..
Newly diagnosed COPD - obstructive ventilatory impairment
.. bronchodilator treatment with ß2-mimetics and anticholinergics to relieve symptoms, improve.. .. but he still feel dyspnea when going to hill and stairs and sometimes during walk.
Status.. .. angles were free without pathologic filling. Bone structures were without pathology (Figure.. .. ventilatory impairment with severe obstruction and reduced volumes.
146.33 KB