Injury of the urogenital system
Trauma is defined as a physical injury or a wound to living tissue caused by an extrinsic agent. Trauma is the sixth leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for 10% of all mortalities. It accounts for approximately 5 million deaths each year worldwide and causes disability to millions more. About half of all deaths due to trauma are in people aged 15–45 years and in this age it is the leading cause of death.
Congenital anomalies of the urogenital system
.. secondary urolithiasis, functional impairment (renal failure, hypertension,.. ..keywords: renal agenesis, dystopia, ectopia, malrotation, kidney..
Neurology - lectures for students of Dental Medicine
..keywords: neuron, cerebrovascular diseases, brain, tumors, injury, epilepsy, headache, migraine, aura, infections,.. .. member
NL-05 Brain injury
faculty member
Internal medicine 5 - lectures for students of General Medicine
.. Differential diagnosis of proteinuria.Acute renal failure. Dialysis. Chronic renal failure. Kidney.. .. MB
faculty member
Acute renal failure, AKI
1.65 MB
Symptoms, signs and investigation of urogenital system disorders
..keywords: symptoms, hematuria, USG, CT, renal..
Lectures from Surgery 6
.. under shock, unconsciousness and with a spine injury;..
.. MB
faculty member
Craniocerebral injury
6.39 MB
faculty member
Thoracic Surgery
.. Tracheostomy. Postintubational tracheal injury. Neoplasms of Trachea. Mediastinitis. Primary..
Infections of the urogenital system
..keywords: pyelonephritis, renal abscess, chronic pyelonephritis, prostatitis,..
Surgical Propedeutics
.. respiratory, metabolic, hepatocelular, renal, endocrine, neurologic, haematological,..
Obstructive sleep apnoea in extremely obese patient
.. on lower limit (Figure 1)
Epworth sleepiness scale: 12 points - a questionnaire for evaluation of.. .. user
Figure 2 - Epworth sleepiness scale.
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