Anatomy 2 for students of General Medicine
.. for summer term retroperitoneal space, urinary system, reproductive systems and pelvis, then anatomy.. .. include:
Retroperitoneal space.
Urinary system. Adrenal (suprarenal) glands.
Male genital.. ..keywords: retroperitoneum, urinary system, reproductive system,.. .. MB
faculty member
Urinary system
4.27 MB
faculty member
Anatomy 2 for students of Dental Medicine
.. as parts of the central and peripheral nervous systems. The muscles, vessels, and nerves of the head.. .. IX - XII. Cervical plexus.
8. Autonomic nervous system in general. ANS of head and neck.
9. Vessels.. ..keywords: of head and neck, sensory organs, endocrine system,.. .. MB
faculty member
Autonomic nervous system in general, ANS of head and neck
Hospital information system
.. information systems are designed with the aim to manage various.. .. information systems usually include several applications/modules.. ..keywords: system, hospital, health record, patient.. .. KB
Hospital information system
1.48 MB
Lectures for study subject Surgery 4/5 – Orthopaedics
.. and tendons, Infection of musculoskeletal system, Limb length discrepancy, Metabolic bone.. ..keywords: deformities, diseases, infection, system, limb, length, discrepancy, neuromuscular,.. .. member
Infection of musculosceletal system
838.23 KB
faculty member
Medical Biophysics for Dental Medicine
.. Medical application of ultrasound, Disperse system – classification and physical properties,..
Anatómia 2 pre študentov Zubného lekárstva
.. a tiež časti centrálneho a periférneho nervového systému. Opísané sú svaly, cievy a nervy hlavy a krku, a.. .. - XII. Plexus cervicalis.
8. Autonómny nervový systém všeobecne. ANS hlavy a krku.
9. Cievy a nervy .. ..keywords: hlavy a krku, zmyslové orgány, endokrinný systém,.. .. príslušnej fakulte
Autonómny nervový systém všeobecne, ANS hlavy a krku
6.99 ..
Neurology - lectures for students of Dental Medicine
.. NL-08 Infectious disorders of the nervous system & Dementia
Medical Biophysics for General Medicine
.. Medical application of ultrasound, Disperse system – classification and physical properties,..
Neurológia 1 - prednášky pre študentov zubného lekárstva
.. poruchy funkcií hlavových nervov.
Motorický systém (pyramídová dráha a extrapyramídový systém - fyzi.. .. na príslušnej fakulte
Motorický systém (pyramídová dráha a extrapyramídový systém - fyzi..
Pharmacology 1 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine
.. affecting adrenergic - sympathetic - nervous system
2.62 MB
faculty member