Neurology - lectures for students of Dental Medicine
..keywords: neuron, cerebrovascular diseases, brain, tumors, injury, epilepsy, headache,.. .. member
NL-02 Cerebrovascular diseases
faculty member
Internal medicine 4 - lectures for students of General Medicine
.. compounds (heavy metals, CO). Professional diseases of the respiratory system -pneumoconiosis,.. .. member
Geriatrics the most common diseases in the elderly, specifics of treatment,..
Surgery 5 for Dental Medicine
.. orthopedy; emergency situations in abdominal diseases; surgery of infection, oncosurgery; trauma..
Serologic reactions
.. diagnostics of infectious diseases direct and indirect diagnostic methods are used... .. of microorganisms as agents of infectious diseases is primarily based on the evidence of specific..
Surgical Propedeutics
.. Patient history and symptoms of surgical diseases and its value for establishment of proper.. .. Patient history and symptoms of surgical diseases and its value for establishment of proper..
Internal medicine 2 - lectures for students of General Medicine
.. with the examination procedures used in these diseases.. .. iron deficiency anemia, anemia of chronic diseases, aplastic anemia. Anemias II– hemolytic..
The Health of the Roma People in Central and Eastern Europe
.. from selected health areas: infectious diseases, study of growth and development of children and.. ..keywords: health, infectious diseases..
Obesity and lipids disorders and prevention of CV diseases
.. and lipids disorders and prevention of CV diseases
3.56 MB
Clinical Biochemistry - Selected chapters, e-book
.. biochemical diagnosis of various organ-related diseases (kidneys, liver, heart, thyroid gland, and.. .. markers of oncological diseases
Heme metabolism disorders: iron and.. .. Biochemical markers of oncological diseases
1.55 MB
faculty member
Symptoms, signs and investigation of urogenital system disorders
.. It discusses the history of urological diseases, examinations and symptomatology, which are..