Diseases of pancreas, gastrointestinal manifestation of cystic fibrosis

The presentation provides an overview of diseases of pancreas in childhood. Main topics are acute and chronic pancreatitis, congenital anomalies of the exocrine pancreas and gastrointestinal manifestation of cystic fibrosis. It focusses on etiology, clinical course, diagnosis and treatment possibilities.
Type I diabetes mellitus
.. diabetes I. type - its pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, practical aproaches, treatment and.. .. mellitus type I. is one of the most common autoimmune endocrinopathies in..
Language disorders
.. medicine is focused on the clinical manifestation of damage to individual cortical areas or.. .. PPT lecture on Cortical syndromes. The content of lecture notes for the presentation related.. .. offers lecture notes on cortical.. ..of. MUDr. Zuzana Gdovinová Attachments: ..
Internal medicine 5 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine
.. Acute states in gastroenterology and hepatology. Gastrointestinal bleeding. Acute states in endocrinology... .. Focal infection and sepsis. Disorders of the electrolyte metabolism. Treatment with.. .. presentations are a set of lectures intended for students of the 5th year.. .. sensitive [?]
Principles of using ATB
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Diabetes mellitus asociovaný s cystickou fibrózou
.. opisuje 24-ročnú pacientku s diagnózou cystickej fibrózy (CF), ktorá bola na naše pracovisko od.. .. diabetes mellitus asociovaný s CF (CFRD - cystic fibrosis related diabetes) a začali liečbu, ktorá pri to.. .. k úprave glykémií v celodenných glykemických profiloch, čo sa odrazilo v zlepšenej hodnote HbA1c: 6.. .. inzulínový režim.
Doplňujúce informácie k cystickej fibróze:
Cystická fibróza (CF) je na.. .. Diabetes mellitus asociovaný s CF (Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes, CFRD) sa spája s vyššou mo.. ..keywords: Cystická fibróza, K86.1 Jiná chronická pan.. ..keywords: cystická fibróza, diabetes m..
Journey of a swallowed wooden stick to the liver
.. abscess due to perforation of the gastrointestinal tract caused by ingested foreign bodies is a.. .. abscess due to perforation of the gastrointestinal tract caused by ingested.. .. foreign bodies pass (80-90 %) through the gastrointestinal tract spontaneously without necessitating any.. .. old man was referred to the internal department of hospital in Medzilaborce due to febrility,.. .. sensitive [?]
Figure 1 - Journey of a swallowed wooden stick to the..
.. occur in the natural environment, many are part of the human intestinal microflora (intestinal.. .. microorganisms that can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract diseases and other.. .. microorganisms that can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract..
Clinical biochemistry - Lectures
.. Clinical Biochemistry subject in the 5th year of medical studies builds on the knowledge acquired.. .. presents topics of clinical biochemistry that include distribution.. .. member
Laboratory tests in gastrointestinal disorders
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faculty member
Disorders of sodium and potassium
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Acute abdomen - gallstone ileus
.. uncommon entity, which accounts for 1–4% of all presentations to hospital with small bowel.. .. caused by the passage of gallstones into the gastrointestinal lumen especially in elderly.. .. She complained about flatulence and absence of stool last days. Physical finding showed..
Parainfectious myocarditis
.. inflammation may be due directly to infection of the myocardium or the effects of circulating.. .. for sudden chest pain at first on the left side of chest parasternally, later with propagation to.. .. intramural focus inferolaterally, character of fibrosis, probably inflammatory aetiology. Reduced EF LV.. ..keywords: echocardiography, MR of the..
Total atelectasis of the right lung due to bronchogenic carcinoma
.. developments in the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer in recent years, it is still the.. .. of the right or left main bronchus. X-ray manifestation of an entire lung atelectasis is characterized.. .. smoker – 44 years/30 cigarettes a day, 2 coffees a day.
Social history: old-age pensioner,.. .. sensitive [?]
Figure 1 - Chest X ray of the presented patient on the day of first..