Introduction to psychology

Lecture introduces into the field of psychology. It describes he basic approaches and its goals. The stress in on clinical psychology with description of its basic tasks – psychodiagnostics and psychotherapy used in medicine. Primary focus of clinical psychologists is the diagnosis and treatment of patients with mental and behavioural disorders. They are also dental patients, with whom a denstist has to communicate when treating them.
Psychology in Medicine

Psychology is becoming increasingly important in people's lives. It is significant to research human behaviour and how people interact with their environment, as well as how they develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. A rising number of people have been both physically and mentally harmed in recent years as a result of cognitive, emotional, or behavioural disorders. It was determined that a study book on psychology for medical students was required.
Ružičková, Dragašek: Psychology in Medicine, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, ŠafárikPress, Košice 2023, ISBN 978-80-574-0223-7.
Psychology in somatic medicine

The lecture explains how psychosomatic symptoms in patients develop, which psychosocial risk factors cause existence of psychosomatic problems, what is the role of psychological interventions in treatment and rehabilitation of patients. Furthermore, the most often occured disorders in population such as coronary heart disease, cancer and psychoneuroimunology issues are discussed in association wih psychological factors which may cause their incidence, influence their progression or play important role in treatment.
Clinical biochemistry - Lectures

The Clinical Biochemistry subject in the 5th year of medical studies builds on the knowledge acquired in Medical Biochemistry during the 2nd year. It involves applying biochemistry and pathobiochemistry to laboratory findings interpretation. The subject covers biochemical investigation methods for diseases of selected organs through lectures and seminars. It places particular emphasis on water, ion, and acid-base balance disorders, as well as prevalent conditions like diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia. Practical training in interpreting laboratory findings integrates patient case studies and model patients.
Psychology & Medical Communication - lectures for Dental Medicine students

Lectures containing actual knowledge from Medcial psychology that has been presented from academic year 2023/2024, and has been dedicated to dental medicine students of the 2nd year. Theorethical backround is linked to practical lessons, and includes topics such as communication skills, normality and pathology of personality, abnormal psychology, psychotherapy, psychology of oral habits, stress and coping strategies, or psychology of emotions and cognition.
Psychology & Medical Communication - lectures for General Medicine students

Lectures containing actual knowledge from medical psychology that has been presented from academic year 2023/2024, and has been dedicated to the general medicine students of the 3rd year. Theorethical backround is linked to practical lessons, and includes topics such as communication skills, normality and pathology of personality, abnormal psychology, psychotherapy, psychology of habits, stress and coping strategies, psychosomatic medicine, or psychology of emotions.
Clinical Biochemistry - Selected chapters, e-book

The electronic textbook "Clinical Biochemistry - Selected Chapters" aims to be a practical resource for senior medical students and new doctors studying laboratory medicine. It is designed to help them understand commonly used clinical-biochemical tests and serves as a starting point for a deeper exploration of laboratory methods and their application in diagnostic and monitoring procedures. In addition to an introductory chapter, the textbook contains 13 chapters focusing on disorders of water-ion and acid-base balance, biochemical diagnosis of various organ-related diseases (kidneys, liver, heart, thyroid gland, and adrenal glands), as well as common conditions like diabetes and dyslipidemia. It also covers topics, such as inflammation, oncological diseases, and iron and heme metabolism. The second edition of the textbook has been updated to reflect current changes in professional recommendations and to be more understandable for users.
ISBN 978-80-8152-937-5 (e-publication);;
Clinical anatomy - lectures for students of General Medicine

Lectures are devoted to students of elective course Clinical anatomy in the 3rd, 4th and 5th year of study. These are lectures led by clinicians, with an emphasis on the investigative methods of the specialized area (ultrasound,...). Specifically, they are divided into lectures from the upper limb, lower limb, thorax, abdomen, pelvis and from the head and neck.
History taking and clinical examination. Doctor - patient communication.

This presentation describes how to communicate with patient, how to obtain anamnestic data (family history, personal history, psychiatric anamnesis, abuse of/addiction to psychoactive substances), how to ask regarding history of present illness of and how to create relationship with patient, which is crucial in the field of psychiatry.
Clinical examination of patient. Diagnostic process in psychiatry. Mood and anxiety disorders

The lecture describes how to communicate with patient and which informations are especially important regarding anamnestic data of the patient with mental disorder. Basic informations how to create final diagnosis in psychiatry are mentioned (syndromology, diagnostic process, final diagnosis, treatment plan). Basic informations regarding anxiety and mood disorders are desribed as well.
Clinical Assessment in Pediatrics, Growth and Development, Psychomotor Development

The presentation is intended to the students of Dental medicine and General medicine as an introduction to pediatrics. Its aim is to emphasize that the child is not a small adult. This presentation highlights the most important differences from adults with which students can encounter during a basic physical examination of the child.
Psychological stress and coping
.. lecture from psychology and medical communication focuses now on topics.. ..keywords: psychology,.. ..
Availability [?]
Clinically sensitive [?]
Psychological stress..
Fungal infections
.. AIDS. As a result alike need to be familiar with clinical presentation and methods for the diagnosis of.. ..keywords: infections, clinical manifestations, laboratory diagnosis,.. ..
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Clinically sensitive [?]
Puberty and its disorders
.. and delayed pubertal development - etiology, clinical manigestation, clinical approach a treatment..
Surgery 1 for Dental Medicine
.. development of surgery; Basic principles of clinical examination; Priciples of antisepsis and.. ..
Availability [?]
Clinically sensitive [?]
Basic principles of..
Internal medicine 4 - lectures for students of General Medicine
.. Geriatric cardiology and cardiac geriatrics.Clinical.. ..
Availability [?]
Clinically sensitive [?]
Evidence Based Medicine
.. critically appraise the validity of the most clinically relevant articles and how their summaries can.. ..keywords: based medicine, clinical question,.. ..
Availability [?]
Clinically sensitive [?]
Internal medicine - Propedeutics - lectures for students of General Medicine
.. winter term of the thrid year of study. Basic clinical nomenclature, evaluation of anamnestic data and.. .. to clinical medicine. History taking. Inspection –..
Serologic reactions
.. of serological reactions, which are used in clinical microbiology in the diagnosis of infectious.. .. and quantification of microbial antigens in a clinical sample. They are mainly used for the..
Type I diabetes mellitus
.. to diabetes I. type - its pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, practical aproaches, treatment.. ..
Availability [?]
Clinically sensitive [?]
Type I diabetes..
Neurology 1 - lectures for students of general medicine
.. topics according to the curriculum of this clinical subject. The presented materials from the.. .. cranial nerves and on the possibility of clinical examinations of functions or cranial nerve..